+43 670 60 88 666 | +49 176 841 33055
Vienna, Austria
Represented by:
laif Agentur für Photos & Reportagen GmbH
Neusser Str. 173a, D-50733 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 27 226 0
Books & Anthologies
2022 | „Embodied Algorithmic Optimization“ in (Dis)Obedience in Digital Societies—Perspectives on the Power of Algorithms and Data (Eds: Sven Quadflieg / Klaus Neuburg / Simon Nestler), ISBN: 978-3-8376-5763-0 (Contributor) |
2020 | I Will Call It Home. Self-published. ISBN:978-3-00-065114-4 |
2020 | 3. Art Research Envelope. Vienna: Universität für Angewandte Kunst. ISBN: 978-3-9504894-5-3 (Contributor) |
2018 | Tbilisi—Archive of Transition. Berlin: Niggli. ISBN 978-3-7212-0983-9 (Editor & Contributor) |
2015 | “Germany - Not Ready”. In Sea Change. Oslo: Forlaget Press. ISBN:978-8-275477-84-0 (Contributor) |
2013 | Wolfskinder. Baden: Edition Lammerhuber. ISBN:978-3-901753-64-0 |
Selected Exhibitions
2024 | “Blue New Deal“, F23 | Vienna, Austria |
2023 | “In the heat of the day“, Foto Wien | Vienna, Austria |
2022 | “In the heat of the day“, Rotterdam Photo Festival | Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
“Tropfen auf den heißen Torf“, Foto Wien | Vienna, Austria | |
2021 | “In the heat of the day“, xCoAx Conference | Graz, Austria + Online |
2018 | “Here to Stay“ Kunstsommer Irsee, Germany | Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany |
2016 | “Here to Stay“ Kolga Tbilisi photo festival, Tbilisi, Georgia |
“Sea Change“ Lumix Fotofestival, Hanover, Germany | |
2015 | “Sea Change“ Literature House Oslo, Norway | Berlin, Germany | Vienna, Austria |
2014 | “Wolfskinder“ Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany |
“Wolfskinder“ FreeLens Galerie, Hamburg, Germany | |
“Youth in Transnistria“ RPS International Print Exhibition, London & Banbury, UK | |
2013 | “Wolfskinder“ Hanserd Gallery, Southampton, UK |
“Wolfskinder“ Dialogue & Quiet Conversation, Photoville, New York, USA | |
“Wolfskinder“ London College of Communication Gallery Spaces, UK | |
2012 | “Lala Life“ De Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
2011 | “Between Myth & Reality: Encounters with Roma“ Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Austria |
Selected Grants & Awards
2023 | Solutions Journalism Accelerator Programme of the European Journalism Center |
2022 | Richard-von-Weizsäcker Journalism Prize |
2021 | Research Grant from the VG Bild-Kunst Germany |
2019 | Research Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (European Journalism Centre) |
2018 | Renovabis Research Grant for Reporting from Eastern Europe |
2016 | Research Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (European Journalism Centre) |
Sea Change shortlisted for Publication of the Year of Norway | |
2015 | Winner of the Schneelöwe Journalism prize |
Renovabis Research Grant for Reporting from Eastern Europe | |
Joop Swart Masterclass Nominee | |
2014 | Winner Austrian Press Prize ‘Objektiv‘, category photo series |
Shortlisted for the IdeasTap Magnum Top 30 under 30 | |
2013 | Winner CNN Journalist Award Photo |
Silver Medal German Photo Book Prize | |
Winner BFF Förderpreise & Alfred Fried Award | |
Finalist for the European Publishers Award | |
Finalist at the Deutsche Bank Award in Photography | |
Nominated PDN 30 Emerging Photographers to Watch & Joop Swart Masterclass | |
Research Grant from the German VG Bild-Kunst | |
2012 | Winner Getty Emerging Talent Award |
Winner Austrian Press Prize ‘Objektiv‘, category photo series | |
Pride Photo Award, 1. Prize in category ‚Documentary‘ |
since 2019 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria PhD in Art, Doctoral candidate at the Zentrum Fokus Forschung |
2012 | London College of Communication, London, United Kingdom MA Photojournalism & Documentary Photography |
2011 | Danish School of Media and Journalism, Aarhus, Denmark Diploma in “Advanced Visual Storytelling“ |
2008—2010 | Die Graphische – Institution of Higher Education, Vienna, Austria Diploma in “Photography and audio-visual Media“ |
2007—2011 | University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Bachelor of Philosophy, Major in Journalism and Communication Studies |
Guest professor at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK) | 2016—2017
Higher Education
Photo & Video Classes at Die Graphische — Institution of Higher Education | 2022—2025
Where Do I Belong? — Visual Storytelling Online Workshop | Ukraine | 2021 ¹⁹
Crrritical Space — Alternative Polling Platform to Engage Voting | 2021 ¹⁸
Universe of [] Images — Images and Alternative Facts (w. Hackers & Designers) | Germany | 2019 ¹⁷
Archaeology of the present — Augmented Reality Workshop in Hamm | Germany | 2018 ¹⁶
Visual Stories Of The Everyday — Master Class at the Swabian Art Summer in Irsee | Germany | 2018 ¹⁵
Our Future — Magazine Workshop in Severodonetsk & Lutsk (w. German Federal Foreign Office) | Ukraine | 2018 ¹⁴
500 — Magazine Workshop in Düsseldorf (w. EKIR) | Germany | 2017 ¹³
Mach Neu! — Magazine Workshop in Hellersdorf (w. DIE BRÜDER) | Germany | 2017 ¹²
41-43 — IndieCon Magazine Workshop Hamburg (w. DIE BRÜDER) | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 ¹¹
Gorod Inache — International Autumn School in Irkutsk (w. German Federal Foreign Office) | Russia | 2016 ¹⁰
Shift Shape Mobilize — Workshop for Bloggers in Odessa (w. n-ost) | Ukraine | 2016 ⁹
i — Magazine Workshop in Kaunas (w. Goethe Institute) | Lithuania | 2016 ⁸
Artell — Magazine-Workshop in Tallinn (w. Goethe Institute) | Estonia | 2016 ⁷
Archive of Transition — Book Publication, Exhibition + Exchange Workshop in Tbilisi | Georgia | 2015—2016 ⁶
NOUA — Magazine Workshop in Chisinau | Republic of Moldova | 2014 | 2015 ⁵
Acting Together — Magazine Workshop Armenia (w. DVV) | 2015 ⁴
Sea Change — Visual Storytelling Workshop in Oslo, Vienna & Berlin | Norway & Austria & Germany | 2015 ³
Yeast — Magazine Workshop at Die Graphische–Institution of Higher Education, Vienna | Austria | 2014 ²
Foundry Sarajevo — Assistant to Ron Haviv | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 2013 ¹
Lectures & Seminars
Marketing as a Photographer ² ³ ⁷ ¹¹
Visual Storytelling - From the idea to the story ² ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹² ¹³ ¹⁴ ¹⁵ ¹⁹
Editing & Color Grading ² ⁵ ⁸ ¹¹
Photographic Media Landscape and Self-Publishing ² ⁵
Portrait Photography ³ ⁶ ¹⁵ ¹⁹
Visual Data Journalism ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ¹¹
(History of) Image Manipulation ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ¹⁰
Cooperation partners & acquired third-party funding:
Selected Clients
6mois, Aargauer Zeitung, Abenteuer & Reisen, ADAC Urlaub, Amnesty Journal, Annabelle, Axel Springer Verlag, Beef, Bergwelten, Berliner Zeitung, Bilanz, Bild der Wissenschaft, BOA, Børsen, Bref, Brigitte, Business Punk, Chrismon, Cicero, Citat, CoFounder, Corriere Della Sera, DB Mobil, De Morgen, De Standaard, Der Freitag, Der SPIEGEL, Der Standart, Die Presse, Die Tagespresse, Die Welt, Die ZEIT, DLF Nova, DLV, Doppelpunkt, DuMont, El Pais, Eltern, Emerge, Enorm, Esslinger Zeitung, Extra Leben, Fluter, Focus, Forum, Fotografi, FR7, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Free Men‘s World, GEO, GEO France, GEO Latvia, GEO Saison, GEO Slovakia, Gioia, Guido, Grazie, Greenpeace Magazin, Handelsblatt, Handmade Kultur, Harvard Business Manager, Himmelblau, Hollandse Hoogte, Hörzu, Information, Internazionale, JWD, Kolik, Kurier, L-Mag, La Stampa, La Vie, Le Monde, Le Temps T-Magazine, Les Echoes, Löwenzahn Verlag, Lufthansa Magazin, Mare, Marco Polo, Merian, Mindener Tageblatt, Müürileht, NZZ, National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Natur, NEO.LIFE, NEON, Neue Luzerner Zeitung, New Scientist, Nowe Forum, Outdoor, P.M., Phoenix Weekly, Photo Presse, Playboy Magazin, Postimees, Profifoto, Profil, Publik Forum, Readers Digest, Revue, Schleswig-Holstein am Wochenende, Schwarzwälder Bote, Schwäbische Zeitung, Slanted, Sonntag, South Coast Baltic, Stern, Stern Gesund Leben, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Sunday Times Magazine, Surprise, Süddeutsche Zeitung, SZ Magazin, Technology Review, The European, The New York Times, The Guardian, Tonic, Volkskrant, Voyageurs Du Monde, Wall Street Journal, WDR, Welt Der Frauen, Werde, Wienerin, Wiener Zeitung, WOZ, ZEIT, ZEIT Magazin, Zeitzeichen
AirBnB, Art Cloud Network, B|BE Branded Entertainment, Continental, Egger & Lerch, BIPA, Europäischer Sopzialfonds, Imagera, independent Medien-Design Horst Moser, Kerygma, Kolle Rebbe, HRS, Institut für Kulturkonzepte, Siemens, Primafila
Amnesty International, Caritas, Don Bosco Mission, Salesian Mission, Greenpeace
+43 670 60 88 666 | +49 176 841 33055
Vienna, Austria
Represented by:
laif Agentur für Photos & Reportagen GmbH
Neusser Str. 173a, D-50733 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 27 226 0
Books & Anthologies
2022 | „Embodied Algorithmic Optimization“ in (Dis)Obedience in Digital Societies—Perspectives on the Power of Algorithms and Data (Eds: Sven Quadflieg / Klaus Neuburg / Simon Nestler), ISBN: 978-3-8376-5763-0 (Contributor) |
2020 | I Will Call It Home. Self-published. ISBN:978-3-00-065114-4 |
2020 | 3. Art Research Envelope. Vienna: Universität für Angewandte Kunst. ISBN: 978-3-9504894-5-3 (Contributor) |
2018 | Tbilisi—Archive of Transition. Berlin: Niggli. ISBN 978-3-7212-0983-9 (Editor & Contributor) |
2015 | “Germany - Not Ready”. In Sea Change. Oslo: Forlaget Press. ISBN:978-8-275477-84-0 (Contributor) |
2013 | Wolfskinder. Baden: Edition Lammerhuber. ISBN:978-3-901753-64-0 |
Selected Exhibitions
2024 | “Blue New Deal“, F23 | Vienna, Austria |
2023 | “In the heat of the day“, Foto Wien | Vienna, Austria |
2022 | “In the heat of the day“, Rotterdam Photo Festival | Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
“Tropfen auf den heißen Torf“, Foto Wien | Vienna, Austria | |
2021 | “In the heat of the day“, xCoAx Conference | Graz, Austria + Online |
2018 | “Here to Stay“ Kunstsommer Irsee, Germany | Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany |
2016 | “Here to Stay“ Kolga Tbilisi photo festival, Tbilisi, Georgia |
“Sea Change“ Lumix Fotofestival, Hanover, Germany | |
2015 | “Sea Change“ Literature House Oslo, Norway | Berlin, Germany | Vienna, Austria |
2014 | “Wolfskinder“ Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany |
“Wolfskinder“ FreeLens Galerie, Hamburg, Germany | |
“Youth in Transnistria“ RPS International Print Exhibition, London & Banbury, UK | |
2013 | “Wolfskinder“ Hanserd Gallery, Southampton, UK |
“Wolfskinder“ Dialogue & Quiet Conversation, Photoville, New York, USA | |
“Wolfskinder“ London College of Communication Gallery Spaces, UK | |
2012 | “Lala Life“ De Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
2011 | “Between Myth & Reality: Encounters with Roma“ Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Austria |
Selected Grants & Awards
2023 | Solutions Journalism Accelerator Programme of the European Journalism Center |
2022 | Richard-von-Weizsäcker Journalism Prize |
2021 | Research Grant from the VG Bild-Kunst Germany |
2019 | Research Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (European Journalism Centre) |
2018 | Renovabis Research Grant for Reporting from Eastern Europe |
2016 | Research Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (European Journalism Centre) |
Sea Change shortlisted for Publication of the Year of Norway | |
2015 | Winner of the Schneelöwe Journalism prize |
Renovabis Research Grant for Reporting from Eastern Europe | |
Joop Swart Masterclass Nominee | |
2014 | Winner Austrian Press Prize ‘Objektiv‘, category photo series |
Shortlisted for the IdeasTap Magnum Top 30 under 30 | |
2013 | Winner CNN Journalist Award Photo |
Silver Medal German Photo Book Prize | |
Winner BFF Förderpreise & Alfred Fried Award | |
Finalist for the European Publishers Award | |
Finalist at the Deutsche Bank Award in Photography | |
Nominated PDN 30 Emerging Photographers to Watch & Joop Swart Masterclass | |
Research Grant from the German VG Bild-Kunst | |
2012 | Winner Getty Emerging Talent Award |
Winner Austrian Press Prize ‘Objektiv‘, category photo series | |
Pride Photo Award, 1. Prize in category ‚Documentary‘ |
since 2019 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria PhD in Art, Doctoral candidate at the Zentrum Fokus Forschung |
2012 | London College of Communication, London, United Kingdom MA Photojournalism & Documentary Photography |
2011 | Danish School of Media and Journalism, Aarhus, Denmark Diploma in “Advanced Visual Storytelling“ |
2008—2010 | Die Graphische – Institution of Higher Education, Vienna, Austria Diploma in “Photography and audio-visual Media“ |
2007—2011 | University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Bachelor of Philosophy, Major in Journalism and Communication Studies |
Guest professor at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK) | 2016—2017
Higher Education
Photo & Video Classes at Die Graphische — Institution of Higher Education | 2022—2025
Where Do I Belong? — Visual Storytelling Online Workshop | Ukraine | 2021 ¹⁹
Crrritical Space — Alternative Polling Platform to Engage Voting | 2021 ¹⁸
Universe of [] Images — Images and Alternative Facts (w. Hackers & Designers) | Germany | 2019 ¹⁷
Archaeology of the present — Augmented Reality Workshop in Hamm | Germany | 2018 ¹⁶
Visual Stories Of The Everyday — Master Class at the Swabian Art Summer in Irsee | Germany | 2018 ¹⁵
Our Future — Magazine Workshop in Severodonetsk & Lutsk (w. German Federal Foreign Office) | Ukraine | 2018 ¹⁴
500 — Magazine Workshop in Düsseldorf (w. EKIR) | Germany | 2017 ¹³
Mach Neu! — Magazine Workshop in Hellersdorf (w. DIE BRÜDER) | Germany | 2017 ¹²
41-43 — IndieCon Magazine Workshop Hamburg (w. DIE BRÜDER) | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 ¹¹
Gorod Inache — International Autumn School in Irkutsk (w. German Federal Foreign Office) | Russia | 2016 ¹⁰
Shift Shape Mobilize — Workshop for Bloggers in Odessa (w. n-ost) | Ukraine | 2016 ⁹
i — Magazine Workshop in Kaunas (w. Goethe Institute) | Lithuania | 2016 ⁸
Artell — Magazine-Workshop in Tallinn (w. Goethe Institute) | Estonia | 2016 ⁷
Archive of Transition — Book Publication, Exhibition + Exchange Workshop in Tbilisi | Georgia | 2015—2016 ⁶
NOUA — Magazine Workshop in Chisinau | Republic of Moldova | 2014 | 2015 ⁵
Acting Together — Magazine Workshop Armenia (w. DVV) | 2015 ⁴
Sea Change — Visual Storytelling Workshop in Oslo, Vienna & Berlin | Norway & Austria & Germany | 2015 ³
Yeast — Magazine Workshop at Die Graphische–Institution of Higher Education, Vienna | Austria | 2014 ²
Foundry Sarajevo — Assistant to Ron Haviv | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 2013 ¹
Lectures & Seminars
Marketing as a Photographer ² ³ ⁷ ¹¹
Visual Storytelling - From the idea to the story ² ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹² ¹³ ¹⁴ ¹⁵ ¹⁹
Editing & Color Grading ² ⁵ ⁸ ¹¹
Photographic Media Landscape and Self-Publishing ² ⁵
Portrait Photography ³ ⁶ ¹⁵ ¹⁹
Visual Data Journalism ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ¹¹
(History of) Image Manipulation ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ¹⁰
Cooperation partners & acquired third-party funding:
Selected Clients
6mois, Aargauer Zeitung, Abenteuer & Reisen, ADAC Urlaub, Amnesty Journal, Annabelle, Axel Springer Verlag, Beef, Bergwelten, Berliner Zeitung, Bilanz, Bild der Wissenschaft, BOA, Børsen, Bref, Brigitte, Business Punk, Chrismon, Cicero, Citat, CoFounder, Corriere Della Sera, DB Mobil, De Morgen, De Standaard, Der Freitag, Der SPIEGEL, Der Standart, Die Presse, Die Tagespresse, Die Welt, Die ZEIT, DLF Nova, DLV, Doppelpunkt, DuMont, El Pais, Eltern, Emerge, Enorm, Esslinger Zeitung, Extra Leben, Fluter, Focus, Forum, Fotografi, FR7, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Free Men‘s World, GEO, GEO France, GEO Latvia, GEO Saison, GEO Slovakia, Gioia, Guido, Grazie, Greenpeace Magazin, Handelsblatt, Handmade Kultur, Harvard Business Manager, Himmelblau, Hollandse Hoogte, Hörzu, Information, Internazionale, JWD, Kolik, Kurier, L-Mag, La Stampa, La Vie, Le Monde, Le Temps T-Magazine, Les Echoes, Löwenzahn Verlag, Lufthansa Magazin, Mare, Marco Polo, Merian, Mindener Tageblatt, Müürileht, NZZ, National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Natur, NEO.LIFE, NEON, Neue Luzerner Zeitung, New Scientist, Nowe Forum, Outdoor, P.M., Phoenix Weekly, Photo Presse, Playboy Magazin, Postimees, Profifoto, Profil, Publik Forum, Readers Digest, Revue, Schleswig-Holstein am Wochenende, Schwarzwälder Bote, Schwäbische Zeitung, Slanted, Sonntag, South Coast Baltic, Stern, Stern Gesund Leben, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Sunday Times Magazine, Surprise, Süddeutsche Zeitung, SZ Magazin, Technology Review, The European, The New York Times, The Guardian, Tonic, Volkskrant, Voyageurs Du Monde, Wall Street Journal, WDR, Welt Der Frauen, Werde, Wienerin, Wiener Zeitung, WOZ, ZEIT, ZEIT Magazin, Zeitzeichen
AirBnB, Art Cloud Network, B|BE Branded Entertainment, Continental, Egger & Lerch, BIPA, Europäischer Sopzialfonds, Imagera, independent Medien-Design Horst Moser, Kerygma, Kolle Rebbe, HRS, Institut für Kulturkonzepte, Siemens, Primafila
Amnesty International, Caritas, Don Bosco Mission, Salesian Mission, Greenpeace